Generate Customized Endpoints
Generate customized proxy endpoints with provided targeting location, session type, and sticky time.
API key used for authentication.
The proxy type for the sub-account. Use: 1 for Rotating Residential, 2 for Rotating Mobile, 3 for Rotating Datacenter.
The username you wish to use with the proxies.
The password for the username.
The protocol used to generate the endpoint. Available options include Endpoint:Port, HTTP(S), and SOCKS5. The default protocol is Endpoint:Port.
Indicates whether a specific location is provided. If true, location fields (e.g., countryCode, regionName, cityName) are omitted. Default is false.
The code of the country. Must be included in the body when the randomLocation field is true.
The name of region that you want to specify.
The name of city that you want to specify.
The type of session you want to use. Available options are Rotating and Sticky. If omitted, the default value is Rotating. If Rotating is chosen, the sessionTime field is omitted, even if values are provided.
The duration of the session, in minutes. This field must be included when sessionType is Sticky and must be between 3 and 60 minutes.
The number of endpoints you want the API to return. Must be included when sessionType is Sticky, and it must be between 1 and 50,000. Default is 10.
The response is of type string[]